Aquí te dejo un Vocabulario en Ingles sobre diversos temas relacionados con la Criminología, Durante mi carrera muchos de los artículos donde encontraba información estaban en Ingles, así que espero que estas palabras te ayuden a entender de que hablan dichos artículos.
Crime Scene (Escena del Crimen Activa). A crime scene that is still giving off evidence and has not yet been
completely processed and cleaned. A single Officer-in-charge is responsible for
coordinating investigation at the scene. Unauthorized people (including
witnesses) must be excluded from an active crime scene.
Algor Mortis (Enfriamiento Cadavérico).
The postmortem
cooling process of the body. This can be helpful in homicide investigations.
syndrome (Síndrome de la Mujer Maltratada). Under duress and feeling trapped in a cycle of
violence, a battered woman may lash out lethally at her tormentor.
Blind Reporting (Reporte Anónimo). Lets sexual assault victims retain
anonymity and guarantees their confidentiality when they share information with
law enforcement.
Cognitive Interview (Entrevista
Cognitiva). Interviewing
technique that helps victims or witnesses put themselves in their mind at the
scene of the crime.
delicti (Cuerpo del Delito). "the fact of a crime having
been actually committed." Before a person can be convicted of committing a
crime, it must be proved that crime has occurred.
Criminology (Criminología). Scientific study of the causes and
prevention of crime and rehabilitation and punishment of offenders.
Violence (Violencia Domestica o Violencia familiar). A group of behaviors (physical, sexual,
emotional, and/or economic abuse) over an intimate partner.
Abuse (Abuso al Adulto Mayor). Physical or mental mistreatment, exploitation, or abuse of the elderly.
It can include fraud, assault.
Evidence (Evidencia)
Judgments and conclusions can be based upon it. Includes relevant evidence.
Evidence (Evidencia asociativa): links a suspect with a crime.
Circumstantial Evidence (Evidencia
See Indirect Evidence.
Competent Evidence (Evidencia
properly collected, identified, filed, and continuously secured.
Direct Evidence (Evidencia Directa): establishes proof of a fact without
any other evidence.
Indirect (or circumstantial)
Evidence (Evidencia Indirecta): proves nothing, but tends to incriminate, such as a suspect's footprints
found near the crime scene.
material evidence (Evidencia
material): relevant
to a specific case and forming a substantive part of the case or having a
legitimate influence on the case's outcome.
Trace Evidence (Evidencia de
Seguimiento): very
small evidence such as hair or fibers.
Probative Evidence (Prueba): necessary to investigate or
prosecute a case; proves (or tends) to prove guilt or innocence.tery, murder,
Felony (Delito Grave). A major crime that usually carries
a penalty of imprisonment of over one year in a state penitentiary or death.
Examples are: aggravated assault, homicide, and robbery. More serious than a
Forensic Science (Ciencias
Forenses). The
applied science that uses techniques and technologies of physics, chemistry,
and biology to examining physical evidence left at a crime scene. Chemical
tests can be made on hair, blood, dirt, cloth fibers, etc. Tools include DNA
testing, microscopy, and spectroscopic analysis. A forensic scientist may
Audio and video recordings
(Grabaciones de audio y video): analyze, enhancing as needed.
scenes (Escenas del crimen): examine.
DNA profiles (Perfiles de AND): use in the comparison of
biological material and with those of victims and suspects.
Documents (Documentos): examine physically (e.g.
Handwriting, typewriting) and chemically (e.g. Inks and papers).
Drugs and poisons in human tissue
and body fluids (Drogas y tóxicos, también fluidos): analyze.
such as bullets, casings, fibers, glass, gunshot residues, metals, oils,
paints, petrol, plastics, soils, etc.(Evidencia de carteras, fibras, lentes,
residuos de armas de fuego, aceites, pinturas, plásticos, etc..): examine
and compare.
Forensic ballistics (Balística
Forense): conduct
tests with firearms and ammunition.
drugs (Drogas Ilegales): identify.
Latent information (including
fingerprints, foot prints, shoe prints, tire marks, and tool marks) (Evidencia latente): detect, enhance, record, save, and
Plant materials (Plantas): identify botanically.
Homicide (Homicidio). A death in which another individual
is the direct or indirect cause of the death.
Situation (Situación de rehenes). Priorities are to preserve life, capture the hostage takers, and
recover/protect property. Negotiable items are food and drink. Non-negotiable items
include punishments (including sentences up to the death penalty) and
transportation (generally not negotiable because it is difficult to monitor and
Incest (Incesto). Sexual intercourse with a person
that is known to have nearer kinship than first cousin. In some states this is
a crime not only for biological but also adopted relationships.
Indirect Question (Pregunta
indirecta). A vague
question that skirts the issue and might be misinterpreted. Should be used
little, unless one needs an unexpected answer that might lead in a new
direction. Compare with Direct Question.
Inference (Inferencia o Suposicion).
A process of
reasoning by which a fact may be deduced.
Interrogation (Interrogatorio). Questioning of an unwilling person
(could be a relative or friend or suspect or even a witness) that is reluctant
to give you information and that is suspected of direct or indirect involvement
in the crime being investigated. Contrast with interview.
Modus Operandi (MO). Characteristic method used by a
criminal for a particular type of crime.
Communication (Comunicación No Verbal). The messages conveyed physically, particularly by posture and gesture,
but also by distance, dress, eye contact, mannerisms, rate of speech, and tone
of voice. Nonverbal communication are usually more spontaneous than verbal
communications, and therefore indicate the truth or falsehood of what is said
in field interview, regular interview, or interrogation,
Postmortem Lividity (Lividez Cadavérica).
Dark blue or purple
discoloration that the body develops when the heart stops beating at death.
Rape (Violacion). Sexual intercourse with a person
against their will.
Rationalization (Racionalización). Also called 'the theory of closure'.
The mind does not like incomplete packages. So it is likely to complete
something that is unresolved, and soon believe that invention is true. Minimize
this creation of memory error by an interview or interrogation immediately
after an event.
Relevant evidence (Evidencia
that helps explain testimony. Compare with material evidence.
Social Order (Orden Social). a condition of a society
characterized by social integration, consensus, smooth functioning, and lack of
interpersonal and institutional conflict.
Vehicle Driver Robbery (Robo de vehículo). A robbery of a vehicle driver.
En verdad espero que esta información te sea útil y facilite tus futuras investigaciones :)
“Algunas de las mejores lecciones son aprendidas de errores pasados. El error del pasado es la sabiduría del futuro.” -Dale Turner